Your personal statement is one of the best chances you have to show the admissions committee how unique you are. Do not underestimate its importance, as a well-written document will make you stand out from the competition. 

After you have put a great deal of thought into your personal statement and written a few drafts, send it to us for a final look. 

You will definitely benefit from receiving our feedback on how to make yourself heard in the clearest language possible.

  •  Our fee includes editing and reviewing one personal statement plus one re-edit*.  Additional re-edits are possible for an extra charge of $99.
  • The fee for the personal statement is for only one version. If you need variations of your personal statement, tailored for different programs but the same specialty, we can help you for an additional $99.

CV Editing Fees 

  • CV editing service (5 - 7 days) with 1 revision: $249 (Limit 3 pages per submitted CV. Please add $50 for each extra page)

PS Editing Fees  (Now accepting new requests!)

  • PS REGULAR  editing service (5-7 days) with one re-edit: $299 (Limit 750 words)

             - We will revise and restructure the material you have.

  • PS PREMIUM  editing service (5-7 days) with one re-edit: $399 (Limit 750 words)
     - We will completely rework your PS and suggest additional content to improve it.

  • URGENT service (48 hours) with one re-edit:  $499 (Limit 750 words)

Personal Statement Editing 

* re-edit: a change to the same content per client’s feedback

** We reserve the right to decline any editing service